TiTe2 bulk

1T-phase TiTe2 crystals are vdW semimetals with charge density wave properties. They are grown using two different techniques through chemical vapor transport (CVT) or flux zone growth. They also exhibit superconducting properties under applied hydrostatic pressure. Similar to graphene and MoS₂, TiTe₂ is also layered material (layered transition metal dichalcogenide) crystallizing in the 1T-CdI2 structure. It is a semimetal but very small gap (~50-100 meV) opens up as a result of charge density waves (CDW) formation.Owing to weak interlayer couple can be isolated to monolayers on variety substrates. From few- to monolayers, TiTe₂ possesses various interesting physical properties ranging from unusual - extraordinary Raman spectra and electrical conductivity.

Our TiTe2 crystals are stabilized in 2H-phase (semimetallic and CDW metallic phase). They are grown using two different techniques through chemical vapor transport (CVT) or flux zone growth (see description of these two methods below). These crystals are treated as gold standards in 2D materials field owing to perfected electronic behavior with guaranteed electronic response and low zero temperature resistance values. Our TiTe2 crystals exhibit low impurity resistance (zero temperature resistance), high carrier mobility, extremely clean and sharp XRD peaks, and negligible amount of defects (see published results as well as CVT vs. Flux based methods below ). TiTe2 crystals come ready for exfoliation without any preparation. If you research needs STM grade surfaces or even STM samples (TiTe2 mounted on conductive STM holders) please contact us, we will be happy to arrange these samples.